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TMC wins Excellence Award Best Managed Company Netherlands
Following the announcement on 15 April that high-tech consultancy organization TMC had been nominated as one of the 21 Best Managed Companies of 2020/2021, the company won the Excellence Award in one of four categories during the gala evening: Governance & Finance.
Reading time: min.
The Best Managed Companies awards are organized annually by Deloitte. TMC won the Excellence Award in the category "Governance & Finance" for its efficient and transparent approach during the crisis towards stakeholders, customers and employeneurs.
"The award is the crowning glory of our work and gives us an extra boost to become the most sexy company for engineers."
"This company has responded exceptionally well to the crisis. They intensified their stakeholder management, started managing in a very short cyclical way and reduced the KPIs to its essence. Because of the decentralized culture, with a lot of entrepreneurship, they stayed very close to their customers. But above all, the unique employeneurship of TMC, in which employees really share in the successes, ensures a very high involvement and customer loyalty," according to Hans Honig, CEO of Deloitte Netherlands.
"We are extremely honored and completely surprised to have won this award. I am immensely proud of this award, as well as of our employeneurs and the finance team. In the crisis, we immediately focused on full transparency to keep everyone on board. But we also came out stronger through clear communication and partnerships with customers and stakeholders. The award is the crowning glory of our work and gives us an extra boost to become the most sexy company for engineers. Not only in the Netherlands, but in all eleven countries where we are active," says Emmanuel Mottrie, CEO of TMC, who received the award together with Rogier van Beek (CFO).
TMC's engineers operate at the forefront of the latest technologies. TMC's employeneurship model allows them to combine the security of a permanent contract with the passion and flexibility of entrepreneurship. It has five basic principles: a sustainable working relationship, individual profit sharing, personal coaching and training, a cell structure of technical specializations and the Entrepreneurial Lab where the employeneurs can develop their own ideas and products.
The RTL Z interview with Emmanuel Mottrie:

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