Success story

'The Racing Stable' by Marcel Metze describes the history of high tech consultancy The Member Company (TMC)

Today, The Racing Stable will be released, a management book that tells the history of the high tech consultancy company TMC and its business model. How do you run a company with an anti-management culture? How do you survive three crises in two decades? How do you let your employees really share in the profits? How do you build a people-oriented organization where transparency is key?

Loes Cortenbach - Marketing & Communications Officer


Author Marcel Metze is an investigative journalist, historian and author of books on Philips Electronics (known as Philips Watcher), the CDA and the Dutch banking system, among others. To mark TMC's twentieth anniversary he was asked to research TMC. Marcel Metze: 'The company lived up to its reputation of being transparent in this project too and gave me full freedom throughout the process. The result is incredibly honest. The book reports the successes but does not avoid the difficult periods.' Metze says he has found great adaptability and resilience at TMC. 'After more than thirty years of researching companies, I am convinced that these traits are crucial to the development and survival of an organization.'

TMC's engineers operate at the forefront of the latest technologies. TMC's employeneurship model allows them to combine the security of a permanent contract with the passion and flexibility of entrepreneurship. It has five basic principles: a sustainable working relationship, individual profit sharing, personal coaching and training, a cell structure of the technical specializations and the Entrepreneurial Lab where the 'employeneurs' can develop their own ideas and products.

The Racing Stable will be available from March 31st through and

Marcel Metze: The Racing Stable. The Dedicated, Assertive, Adaptive Journey of The Member Company. Amsterdam: Warden Press, 2021. Hardcover, full color. 208 pages. € 19,95. ISBN: 978 94 93202 02 3. Also available as an e-book.

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