![1y9a7448hoy[1]-1_verkleind.jpg 1y9a7448hoy[1]-1_verkleind.jpg](https://www.themembercompany.com/cache/8522736dd03aaeb94e4beaaeb232a78c/1y9a7448hoy[1]-1_verkleind.jpg)
TMC Northeast is growing rapidly: ambition is 500 employees and new office in Arnhem
The Northeast branch of high-tech consultancy company TMC has been growing steadily since its founding five years ago. The multinational, originally from Eindhoven, opened its first office in the east of the Netherlands in April 2019. After a flying start in Enschede and later Hengelo, the company expanded its presence in the North region with an office in Groningen in 2021. Currently, TMC Northeast has 200 employees and the goal is to scale this number up to 500 by 2030. This ambition is in line with TMC's international goal of 10,000 employeneurs worldwide by 2032. In addition, TMC Northeast plans to open a new office in Arnhem this year.
Reading time: min.Top three in the region
TMC Northeast consists of two major business cells: Technology & Engineering and Infrastructure & Energy. The expertise present ranges from energy engineering and civil engineering, to mechatronics and mechanical engineering, among others. Today, TMC Northeast is among the top three largest technical consulting firms in the Northeast Netherlands.
According to Daniel Aydin, Managing Director of TMC Northeast, the rapid growth in a short time is due to three factors. "To be successful, the preconditions have to be right. First and foremost is the presence of organizations that need technical support, and there certainly are. Think, for example, of VDL, Strukton and Firan. Also important is the presence of regional talent and training institutions. Finally, there is our employeneurship model, which noticeably appeals greatly to technical talent. The transparency and profit sharing we offer our employeneurs provide a great competitive advantage in the war on technical talent."
New office in Arnhem
To fully serve the Northeastern high-tech market in the Netherlands, TMC Northeast is working on opening an office in Arnhem. In its own words, Arnhem is the energy hub of the Netherlands. Many organizations in and near the city are working hard on the energy transition. TMC's expertise in the field of infrastructure and energy technology perfectly matches the demand for technical talent in the region. Regional management is currently meeting with several candidates to give the new office a successful start.
VDL is very happy with TMC
With 65 employeneurs from TMC, VDL is one of TMC Noordoost's largest clients. Anouk Boers, HR manager at VDL ETG Almelo, says: "We have experienced enormous growth in recent years. As a strategic partner, TMC has helped us achieve this growth by filling our vacancies. This at various levels in our organization, from our future leaders to technical specialists. They know how to find us the (technical) talent we need to continue to grow and develop. We are therefore very happy with this cooperation."
TMC international 19 percent revenue increase
TMC currently employs approximately 2,700 employeneurs worldwide, of which more than 900 are in the Netherlands. The remaining employeneurs work across 34 offices in 14 countries. With the new offices and several acquisitions, such as Mobilee in the Netherlands in 2023 and Guldberg in Germany in 2024, TMC is growing fast. In 2023, the company saw its revenue increase by nearly 19 percent to over 212 million euros, of which 105 million came from offices outside the country. The Eindhoven office fed the revenue coming from the Netherlands considerably with clients such as ASML, DAF and Philips. TMC expects another 20 percent increase in turnover in 2024.

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