Area of expertise

Data Science

Improved decision-making processes and forecasting abilities using advanced analytics

Organizations generate more and more data every day. But a large volume of data alone is no guarantee for a competitive edge. TMC data science experts help organizations improve their decision making and forecasting abilities based on data insights. With the right expertise and the latest tools available we use our customers’ data to its full potential.

Data science consultancy

TMC Digital & Big Data employeneurs cover a wide range of data science competencies. We work as data architects, machine learning engineers, data analysts, AI engineers, data scientists, business analysts, data engineers, for example. We help our customers increase their understanding of their data landscape, their capacity to detect new opportunities, and their assertiveness to act.

Data science companies

Our customers vary from large organizations to SMEs in many industries and with very different challenges. We help them understand how data can better serve their business: identifying the key data sources, defining realistic business requirements and providing business insights through data.

Together with our customers we determine our starting point and set realistic goals. By doing so, our data support always matches the maturity level of the organization’s data environment. Our approach delivers results and provides clarity about the best next steps.

Data science quick scan

TMC employeneurs can bring value quickly. For example through our Data Science quick scan . A small team of employeneurs investigates current issues at a customer within a short time span. We then deliver an advisory report about next steps. This could be a project plan, advice on a particular expertise that is needed, or tooling advice, for example. Again, it all depends on the data maturity in a company and the challenges they face. Depending on the situation of a company, we match the right employeneurs to the organization for each quick scan.

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