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TMC enters a new market with office in Luxembourg
TMC has opened a new branch in Luxembourg City. With this new office, TMC is now active in 11 countries worldwide. This company, with its origins in the Dutch city of Eindhoven, has international ambitions for growth and the expansion into Luxembourg is a logical next step.
Leestijd: min.TMC has opened a new branch in Luxembourg City. With this new office, TMC is now active in 11 countries worldwide. This company, with its origins in the Dutch city of Eindhoven, has international ambitions for growth and the expansion into Luxembourg is a logical next step. The initial focus of the Luxembourg office will be on IT and Digital, where the company sees the greatest opportunities. TMC aims to serve a broad range of customers in financial services, the public sector, but also in Luxembourg’s industry.
Marc Lefevre will head TMC in Luxembourg. Lefevre was previously managing branch director for a high tech recruitment agency in Luxembourg and he can draw on a wealth of experience in this area of work. “Marc has an extensive network and he’s a real people manager; we’re happy to have him on board. He knows a lot about our sector and he has an entrepreneurial spirit. We have complete confidence that he will put TMC in Luxembourg firmly on the map,” says Emmanuel Mottrie, CEO of TMC Group.
We are currently hard at work making all the official arrangements and taking on the right people. The aim is to have the first Employeneurs at work within a few months. “TMC’s Employeneurship model focuses on talent development, business cells, total transparency and individual profit sharing, and creates lasting work relationships on that basis. This is distinctive in the Luxembourg market and it convinced me that I should be involved in shaping this expansion,” adds Marc Lefevre. In addition, Mottrie and Lefevre have great ambitions for growth. “In five years’ time we would like to have 100 Employeneurs working in Luxembourg. This ties in perfectly with TMC’s international growth strategy,” says Mottrie, who is aiming for the group as a whole to grow to 2500 Employeneurs in 2025.

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