
"New machine recycles plastic for mouth masks in Uganda"

TMC has developed a machine over the past year that recycles plastic collected in Uganda to make reusable and affordable mouth masks. The machine is now being shipped to its destination, the capital Kampala. In addition to helping to fight Covid-19, this project is also contributing to climate goals and creating around 2,500 jobs locally.

Antonio Garcia Rubio - Project Manager


Last year this project was initiated by TMC engineers in the company's open innovation lab. With the SBIR subsidy (Small Business Innovation Research) from the RVO and collaborations with SMC and KMWE, among others, the project team was able to realize the machine.

"In Uganda, the problems with corona are still very serious. There are not enough technical resources, beds or qualified doctors. In the last period alone, 50 doctors died from the effects of the virus. That is why the first mouth masks are being provided to the hospitals. Last year we estimated to be able to produce about 7,680 mouth masks per month. After a number of optimizations in the process, we can now even produce up to 40,000 pieces per month. Hopefully with this we can really contribute to the distressing situation in the country," said Antonio Garcia Rubio, project manager at TMC.

The engineers at TMC are not just working for the company's clients. In TMC's open innovation lab, engineers can work on their own projects and innovations. In this way, the employees are stimulated to develop their own ideas and contribute to social issues.

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