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Challenging oneself with high tech; Joris Ohmstede shows what he's got
Friends who visited Joris Ohmstede's home in 2022 were met with a surprising sight: his living room was filled with a curious array of microcontrollers, communicating with each other in a magical manner. ‘Before I knew it, they were scattered everywhere,’ says the young employeneur with a big smile. No one who knew him was surprised that Joris had chosen to pursue a career in the high-tech industry, but what was happening in his living room required some explanation. We paid him a visit to hear the story.

Serious business
‘I'm always looking to expand my horizons in my work and like to challenge myself. That's why I started my own project at the Entrepreneurial Lab last March, alongside my project for a client,’ Joris Ohmstede says. ‘I've always been fascinated by technology, so experimenting and programming have been hobbies from a young age. When I realized there was demand for my programming skills in the professional world, I got serious about it.’
First collaboration
‘Before I knew it, my entire living room was full of microcontrollers, communicating with each other. Through my project for a client, I came in contact with a company that sells high-precision machining equipment. They wanted to extract data from their machines and let them to “talk” to each other, just like my microcontrollers. Some discussions followed, and that led to a first project. I then spent a year working on my own project while continuing my full-time project for the client. It was a strenuous but educational period that resulted in a promising solution.’
Smart software solution
‘I've developed a plug and play software solution for manufacturing companies. A common problem in manufacturing processes is that different manufacturers' machines/sensors are unable to communicate with each other, and that makes control and data analysis complicated. Companies can use my platform as an interface between these machines and sensors, which simplifies the work of production personnel by live monitoring and retrieve stored data that can provide management with valuable insights. This wealth of data can be leveraged for cost savings, predictive maintenance and innovative developments while also creating opportunities for Industry 4.0 solutions. The first prototype is now ready and will soon be tested in a production environment.’
His own small business
‘When I told TMC and the client what I was working on, the management was incredibly supportive. As an employeneur, I was given the freedom to pursue my passion. The Lab gave me a clearer vision of my project; feedback from colleagues was very valuable in that regard. Discussions with other employeneurs has helped me grow personally, and along the way I've expanded my network tremendously. I dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur from a young age, and now I've essentially built my own small business. I'm now in a perfect position to further develop my software solution as well as my entrepreneurial skills.’
Advancing together
‘I'm proud of what I've developed, and it's tremendously satisfying to see the results. I'm not yet where I want to be, but it's a good start and extremely motivating. Eindhoven is a huge high-tech hub that we all contribute to as professionals. As a result, we all advance together. I love being part of that community, and I'm thrilled that TMC has given me this opportunity.’

Do you know your way around mechanical design and are a talent in project organization? Then read on!

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