
Employeneurs around the world: meet Matteo Petruzzi

65 nationalities are working at TMC, and counting… In this 5-part series we introduce some of our colleagues worldwide and share the stories behind these nationalities. Today we meet Matteo Petruzzi, Nanotechnology Researcher at TMC Netherlands.

Matteo Petruzzi - Employeneur


Can you tell us something about yourself?

I come from a small city in Italy called Brescia, closed to the Garda lake and the mountains. My background is in physics. I chose to follow that path because I’m a curious person and I like to discover how the world around us works. Since physics is at the basics of most of the scientific subjects, that seemed like the best study for a curious person like me.

Apart from my passion for science and physics I love sports and mountains. My weekly training is composed by calisthenics, running and biking, but when I go back home I try to go as much as I can on mountains for skiing, trekking or collecting mushrooms (mostly Porcini). Last but not least, I love cooking and eating (especially the last one) like every good Italian. My specialties? Piadina, pizza, pasta alla carbonara and crostata.

Why did you choose to work at TMC?

When I decided to go work and live abroad, I was mainly looking for opportunities around Eindhoven and Silicon Valley, those are great environments for high tech companies. When I got in touch with my future business manager, Thies, I knew it was the perfect company for me.

What impressed me the most was the Employeneurship model. In particular the fact that I could decide my own path and being in charge of my own future as an entrepreneur, but at the same time having the safety and support from TMC as an employee. Moreover, I really liked that I could have a budget for studying and improving myself both on soft and hard skills and having a coach with whom I can discuss any kind of topics, even personal issues. Having all of these benefits sounded like heaven to me.

What do you like most about working as a nanotechnology researcher at TMC in the Netherlands?

What I like the most about working at TMC in the Netherlands, is the multicultural and multidisciplinary environment. I get to know people from different countries and cultures. I believe this can help me to grow, open my mind, learn new things, be more respectful towards people coming from a different background and appreciate them more.

Next to that, TMC is involved in almost all fields of science and has clients in many different markets. Hereby I stay up to date about what is going on outside my field. But I can also find TMC-colleagues with other areas of expertise to broaden my horizon.

Can you describe your dream project/dream team?

My dream project would be related to environment, sustainability, or circular economy. I feel that TMC is the right place to find out which project might be the best for me. They focus on the human aspect and that makes you grow professionally and as a person. I believe that only then, an environment is created where you can really make a difference and come up with new ideas and innovations.

If you could work at another TMC office for a while, where would you like to work and why?

If I could work in another TMC office for a while, it would probably be Rome. Italy is my home country and it will always be part of me and of who I am, so I would like to make a contribution there. Also, Rome is a special city to me with a unique atmosphere, so I would like to live there for a while. Being able to walk there at night or in the weekend through its beautiful landscapes and ancient buildings sounds great.

What advice would you give future employeneurs?

Do not be afraid if you don’t find the perfect job or project at the first, that’s normal. If everyone found the perfect job the first time, we would live in a perfect world. Instead, try to learn as much as you can from every experience (technically and humanly), leave your mind open and try to think how what you are doing in that moment might help you in the future. I believe that with this mindset even the things you might think they were completely irrelevant will become helpful at some point in a completely different situation.

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