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Italy has a first with business cell Project Management. "We continuously keep ourselves and each other up to date."
In complex projects, how do you make sure you maintain an overview? Project managers are essential when planning and executing projects in complex environments where innovation is everyday practice. TMC Italy was the first country to create a dedicated Project Management business cell. By learning from each other, new ideas emerge and we can make customers even happier, says Federico Calzone, certified project manager.
Temps de lecture: min.Large high-tech projects require specialized work. In this regard, the projects are so complex that managing them requires its own specialism. That is why TMC has certified project managers who can oversee the entire project. Federico: "With these types of projects, one thing is certain: the schedule is always changing. There are all sorts of variables and uncertain factors. Project managers adjust the schedule as needed, have consultations with the team and with the client to meet the agreed deadlines without compromising the quality of the work, and without levitating the costs."
Specialism needed
In the past, it was often the most experienced specialists who naturally took on the role of project manager, but according to Federico, we see a clear trend that project management is becoming a specific task. "Programming, performing complex installations or making calculations, I leave that to the experts. Because of their in-depth knowledge and experience, they are also the ones who ultimately have to make the decisions. My job is to oversee the whole project, help people when necessary and regularly review the planning with my team and the customer."
Continuing to learn
About thirty project managers are active at TMC Italy. They decided to organize themselves to form TMC Italy's fifth business cell (in addition to System Engineering, Electronics, Mechatronics and Software). This makes Italy the first country with a business cell in this field. "We work for very different customers. For example, I am currently working in an industrial automation project, while colleagues support projects around metal working or charging stations for electric cars, for example." What all these projects have in common, is that innovation is the order of the day. "You have to keep learning constantly. That's why it's good to keep ourselves and each other up to date. We all have different experiences and there are various certifications for project management. The knowledge and experiences we share, everyone can use again in their own projects."
Even happier customers
Knowledge sharing happens in different ways: informally during pizza sessions, but also in regular meetings. The ultimate goal is to deliver even better quality to clients. "With a compact team of project managers, we also want to take on new projects, deliver more and thus make existing clients even happier. In addition, we also just want to have a good time together and create a nice home base for all project managers."
The business cell is not organized vertically. Federico: "Everyone is equal. I don't have a different function than the other project managers. However, my colleague Fabrizio Asprella and I do have some additional duties, such as moderating discussions, reporting to HR and maintaining close contact with business managers about new ideas and opportunities to implement them.
Official launch May 16th
The project managers of the new business cell are looking forward to getting organized to learn from each other and ensure that projects are executed even better and smarter. Federico hopes the cell will slowly but surely expand with new colleagues. Preparations for the official launch have already been made.
During a special event in Rome as well as Milan, the business cell will be officially launched on Tuesday, May 16th. "The project managers tell something about themselves and we tell more about the purpose of the business cell and about the clients for whom we work. Afterwards, we will have an aperitif. Those who are interested and cannot attend can join via Teams."
For more information about the launch, feel free to reach out to us via: tmc.italia.hr@tmc.nl.

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